Pic taken on 21 May at New York New York

Pic taken on 22nd May at Changi Rise

Pic taken on 23rd May at Amaryllis Ville
On last Friday, I met up with a friend. It's been almost a year since I last saw him. Actually I would say it's my first time meeting him ever since the same loud camp ended last year. Yes, there is fear contained inside me. But ultimately, I still went to meet up with him. It was just an hour meeting but it left me thinking what is going on in my life?
'Hey, you're so busy. Three SMSes in one minute.'
Yeah indeed. Three smses + three smses in the next four minutes. In fact I was feeling very bad from replying smses in the middle of a pre-lunch. What if the person's love language is 'quality time' and I just did the wrong thing by being busy. Kinda insulting for the opposite party eh. =\
'You told me in the SMS last night. Busy with meeting friends, work, church... What else do you do?'
*Thinks hard*
Why can't I think of anything else? It's as if I have no hobbies, no free time to watch movies, not even helping out at home with the household chores. Felt like hiding under the table. On the other hand, it's true. When I'm free, I just spend the time at home. Otherwise, I'll be running islandwide for the various meetings, gatherings, parties... My weekends are almost devoted to church services, hanging around CB area even if I'm not serving that weekend.
Does it matter? Does it matter if I don't have a hobby? Does it matter if I'm not catching the latest movies? Does it even matter? I just need to know who my Master is. What He has called me to do and how I should fulfill those tasks which He has set for me to do. No, it doesn't mean I need to be a full-time church worker/staff. I can still do what I want to, be it drink and be merry, go for a tattoo(but I'm not that interested), dress up and party... Life is all exciting still :)
Loud camp 09, coming soon! After the pre-camp yesterday, I've some super aches which left me tired and weak physically. Think I need to go exercise soon to gain some muscles and stamina, and pump up the vitamins. LAVIDA House!
Dwindling savings. Cash-strapped. Mom snapped at me when I said 'You could have given me the money instead of spending it on durians.'
'You should be giving me money.' Uh-oh. It's time to earn my own money and not ask for it. Perhaps that's the difference between twenty and twenty-one. Taking ownership of my life. Does that mean I can sign on the baptism form myself without their acknowledgment?
Oh yeah. It's time to start earning my own. Pocket money. I thought I'd be 'princess' when I'm home since I spend my school days in hall. Shattered dreams. There's not even a birthday celebration for me.(Isn't 21st supposed to be real BIG?)
Ok, you win. Cos you always like to compare others and me. I did nothing on Mother's Day. Fair and square? Perhaps I didn't try hard enough.
No tuition jobs cos I didn't find them. If I did, should I take on an assignment in the East/West? I only have myself to blame for performing so badly in Semester 1 that I have to repeat the courses again in the following Semester 1. Surely there will not be a four-day week for me. I can imagine my five-day week to be super packed.
No temporary job cos my plans(what plans?) will be ruined. I don't even know what I'm having in June, except for the camp and workshops. Am I just going to waste the holidays away? Those who are looking for a full-time job are already having difficulties. I can't commit one month as of today, let alone three months. Perhaps my life will look like it's more in place after today's interview. Only then will I be able to fill in the blanks.Credits: Eden Photography
Last Saturday, I spent it at Sandy's 21st. Next Friday it'll be Isaac's 21st. Next Saturday May is having a birthday BBQ. At the end of the month it's Karen's 21st.
This Saturday my hall darlings want to celebrate my 21st with me. (: Everything is so rush but I hope it works out.
On Tuesday WY, Ada and I made tiramisu at his place. Great bonding time together. Thank you for delivering the cake to me! With the vast amount of cocoa powder. So yummylicious. I want to share it with so many people but no, my brother has yet to eat it. Haha...
On Wednesday there was a LOUD camp meeting. Planning still in progress but there's so much excitement. So much anticipation. There's really a difference to be in it and not of it. Let's believe for a totally LOUD camp 2009. :D
Dale, you rock. I love your design.
We're BLUE. Oh yeah.
The days of rushing... Meeting in the far western end each day before the exhibition. Thank you group mates!
Oh, so you mean I just updated exactly one week ago. Those early mornings and late nights have kept me a little less alert, dreamy. Now that I recall how I walk on the road in an erratic manner, I could only thank God that I manage to get home safely every night. Got home from Sandy's celebration and I stared at the road junction. The green fence is still on the ground, broken into parts. While JY drove us home last night, we witnessed the post-accident scene of a car accident, where the ambulance arrived not long after. Treasure life, seriously. Health is important too!
It's been such a fantastic week that I don't know where to start from. On odd days I woke up at 5.45am to prepare to travel on SH's car to JW for SOT! On even days I woke up at 6 plus to prepare to travel on MRT to BL to do and present the EID project. Hey finally this project came to an end. I took some pics of the process where the group was working hard at it. (Pics to be included when uploaded). Just want to thank Eric, WH and Jo for all the time spent together doing the project. We've done it! Although not top 3 nor top 10 but it's the process. I'm just proud of how creative the team is, to come out with a prototype that is totally handmade (from the tanks to the tanker to the trees and of course to the ambiguous control tower). Well at least to recognize the efforts of A, the one who did less than he ought to, but thank you as well. Through this project I made friends like them. There's so much learning involved and it would all be so different if I had gotten an all local student team. Alright, the sacrifice was worth it. The travelling each day made me appreciate my hall more than ever.
Oh yes yes, SOT!!!!!!!! Ya SOT rocks. They were on the GOHS series so I had a full day of BS on Monday (never tried that before), and on Wednesday and Friday the students had practical sessions. It is like practical after theory so they had a chance to actually prophesy over the lives of others, and to pray for people's healing. YJ shared with me that his bro prophesied correctly over his life, while he also prophesied rather accurately on another member in his team. Yeah not to forget he received healing for his eyes so it was just wonderful. (: Glory to God. SH got prayed for and that morning her voice just changed to become so sexy. Yeah she was having a sore throat I meant. But as the day ended her voice became okay. OKAY!! Tremendous experience and exposure. I'm glad I caught something out of the few days. If not for Dot I wouldn't be there (because she wanted to go). If not for SH who e-mailed Ps. Bobby I wouldn't be there (so that I would not be considered an illegal student). If not for KH's final approval I wouldn't be there (thanks a lot!). If not for God I wouldn't be there to catch the vision that He has imprinted in my heart. Divine planning.
Ending it off with this song where I love the chorus - "I just want You Jesus. I just want You my Lord." It is He who gives authority from heaven so that we receive it on earth. Rise up! Working towards the goal of being 2IC... <3
I want a new room (at home).
For I know I'm already having a room with new furnishings in hall from next semester onwards. During the breaks at the seven-hour meeting yesterday, we saw the workers disassembling the wardrobes, shelves and notice boards, carrying out the desks and dumping the blinds. To think I was hoping for a new chair as it proves to be uncomfortable. But KS says, 'No lah, chairs are expensive.' Uh, aren't desks more expensive? X.X Nevertheless, we can all get ready to welcome new lights and yummylicious furniture! *BEAMS*
Will be off to church in an hour's time to catch Pst Steve Munsey in action. Will he ride on a horse? Alright, probably not but I really wish to see that. =P
After two weeks, my heart is lukewarm. I've tried to think and dream less, be less forthcoming unless there is a need to do so. Pondering who's the right J cos my divided heart is overtaking my mind once again. Blinded and blurred. Will continue to seek Him for signs and confirmation.
The weekends will be great. Next week too! I'm hoping to be there every morning and I've asked for permission but still waiting for it to be approved. If I succeed I think I'll start to dream all over again. Sweet.