This week seems to pass very quickly. It's already Wednesday! 2 upcoming tests and endless lectures and tutorials. At least I managed to clear some of the overdue and new tutorials and that is extremely pleasing and heartening. I ought to give myself a pat on my back. Looks like the self-discipline is kicking in, or is it because the desk is 10X neater in hall than at home. Lol.
Anyway it was April Fool's Day but luckily wasn't fooled today. Self-declared holiday again. Haha =X Was glad to stay in the room, washed some clothes, mopped the floor, cleared some tutorials, watched videos, slacked a bit. For most, it gets more relaxed after the first two days whereas for me, my peak periods are on Wed and Thur with those early morning lectures. Yeah I know it's not like I can slack throughout the week. It's not right to do so. There's this "MUST-ATTEND" lecture for me tomorrow, haha, yingy knows why. My favourite lecturer with a bow. It's getting late and I ought to turn it. Late nights and I'm screwed the next day. Though for many, they seem to sleep later as exams are nearing. I'm just the opposite, as usual.
On Sunday I got to meet up the JC gang. Very blessed and fortunate to organise this gathering. We've been wanting to do so but our schedules clash totally. Some in NUS/NTU/NYP, aiyo. Every one takes different courses too, that we hardly meet for lunch either. So we decided to meet up for sushi lunch at Kallang Leisure Park. Guess who we saw... Taiwanese boyband Energy! It's a total coincidence. No although I'd like to plan for such events to be held in conjunction with the gathering, but this time round it's a total coincidence. So exciting. We actually caught their sing&dance from where we were - Nihon Mura's restaurant, next to the glass panel. Awesome! I meant we ate a lot, talked quite a bit, watched free show. It was really good to see them after such a long while. Friends should really catch up with one another once in a while. Hoho, the next time should be around my birthday HA!
This is the stage: Kinda blur but what to do... I took it on the way up the escalator. Those kids aren't Energy, like duh. They're the audience who were attending the Chicky Club event. I need to get a camera before the overseas trip. I want I want!! MQ advised me to get a Canon/Panasonic which I agree. Perhaps Fuji isn't a smart choice. Maybe a Lumix... There's this model that costs $300 odd ((:
Alright, it's 1 a.m. SLEEP!
Healing Relationships
8 years ago
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