Have been sleeping in ever since Monday... Until around 11am each day. Haha I figure out that's one good thing about holidays. Each day I'd go over to my grandma's place to instill eye drop into her eye every 3 hours. It's time to contribute and help out in whatever I can before I go back to school.
I remember how I used to think a lot. It got me very disappointed for the past examination period, sensing how much my brain has lost the ability to think and combat those papers. Words like 'persevere', 'hang in there' seemed to be replaced by 'forget it', 'sigh', 'don't know how to do'. Until the last paper on Friday that I wondered what have I been doing for the past semester? Not knowing anything much, not studying till the last few days(not even weeks!), practicing the papers where I should have attempted the tutorials first. Last minute cramming does not help at all. It only builds fear. Now I gotta rethink on how to change my study methods. The importance of consistency. Understanding.
Anyway AC was fun and exciting. On Friday night I joined my cg. The weekends were dedicated to CB. Kel got me to camp inside the fish tank with him, but because my mind was still in a twirl, I felt that I didn't totally catch what I had to learn. Perhaps it'll be better this weekend, to learn directing. On how we were going crazy on Sunday, after the morning session, taking photos on Mac...with Nick, and the night session, the pyramid layout, took photo with pastor. Exceedingly joyful!
post ac and sleep
Mohr circle
I have finally understood the...
MOHR CIRCLE!All the principal stresses and formula left me dumbfounded for my MOM paper. And my eyes refused to look at it(cos Soil has it too but I thought I needed to understand what it was all about >.<). I switched from my Mandopop to P&W tracks on my iTunes. Suddenly it felt as if God has descended from heaven and His Spirit is serenading the entire room. Felt peace in my heart, and next was motivation. Starting munching on the Honeystars and drinking the Vitasoy and MUGGING!
Finally get to see shear strength and guess what. More Mohr circles. It sure cracks me up.
noodle feast
When students study, food must come in handy. Snacks must be within an arm's length reach, and the same goes for meals. However, there's no mummy/daddy/korkor/jiejie/meimei/didi/maid to call upon when we stay in hall. My roomie, neighbour and I are lazy to walk downstairs and pack. Hence the last resort: instant noodles!
Instant noodles can turn out to be very instant.(DUH) We just use the electric kettler to boil water, rip open the noodles wrapper and put the noodles into a container. When the water boils, pour it into the container. We'll mug again while the noodle is cooking on its own. Instant noodles - an amazing food innovation. When the noodles absorbed enough water and turned springy(but soggy most of the time cos books come first =|), it's lunch time!
Actually it's just chilli&ketchup instant noodles. And they complained to bits about the noodles!!! Haha!
Alright, one day to freedom! Then I will be off for Asia Conference as well! WOOTS!
help help
I need tons of boosters for tomorrow's paper. God, please help!
**Special thanks to Sihui and Dot. For the Godly advices and verses and support. Thanks for reminding me to look nowhere else in times of trouble, but to look to God. No one leads better than Him. No one comforts better than He does. No one heals without His power. He heals!
My testimony!
My left ear is healed! Some days back, I dug out flaky dried wax. On Saturday, I dug out...black stuff. I presume it's blood clot left behind since my op in June'07. No doubt there's always this 'thing' in my ear that gives out an indescribable sound. Actually it's somewhat like those times when there's water stuck in your ears. Now it's OUT! The clot! No more blocked ear! PTL!!
The significance of this testimony lies in that PK asked us to write down what we are believing for on the offering envelope on a weekend about a month ago(should be the one on 'Fourth Dimension'). At that point of time, I thought to myself...This problem has been ongoing for some time and it's such a nuisance. The terrible thing is that I can't shake the 'thing/fluid/liquid' out. At that moment, I had to believe God for a miracle, writing it down. Visualise it happening. There is POWER in what you believe. So keep on believing!
Countdown to AC: 2 days!
reaping back
Once again, thankful for the opportunity to serve God. But I gotta learn harder on how to study smart and be smart.
Physics went OK, but not the kind to get 'A', seeing how many marks that I failed to secure. While tackling the problem on statics, again I realise how bad my MOM might turn out to be next Tuesday. Till then, I will attempt to salvage whatever I can, just like how it's been done for Physics and I'm actually quite proud of myself for the last minute mugging but happy feeling.
Inspired by Sihui - "There are people who serve during exams too. Why not? Trust God to give you good grades when you honor Him with your precious time."
God is multiplying me back with the time lost, and extra portion of wisdom. Thank you God. =)
first paper
Sweats. My laptop attempted to commit suicide while I was arranging my notes. If not for the LAN cable, it would have fallen off the desk and crashed onto my bed. Phew~ Managed to catch it in time too.
My physics is only like halfway covered!!! Then I discovered, if I don't practice, I really don't know how to do. But I only have about less than 3 hours left. Exam period is all about later than usual takeaway dinner(thank you roomie), hardcore mugging(short attention span so it doesn't appear as hardcore), numerous snack breaks(hello panda down, mcvities almost down), early showers&bedtime(so happy about this point =)) Anyway today's stats paper didn't go too well. There's this question that came out, asking to name the distribution. Hm was pondering over if it's binomial or geometric. My mind can't fool me into believing it's binomial(cos I seriously don't know how to do a geometric problem but I can do one on binomial), so I penned down geometric and left the question as it is. Bye bye to 25 marks. Maybe I'll get 1-2 marks for naming the series.
I just want to do my best for the rest of the papers.
Pleased with the fact that I have two friends who sat in front and beside me this morning, not forgetting the EC who was so near as well =P The view couldn't get better than this. To add on, seeing EC for almost 4 hours is a bliss.
While many have had their papers today, mine will officially start tomorrow. Practicing the third stats paper but my confidence level is still not there. I'm stumbling over every question that I do. Perhaps it's time to look back at the tutorials and not just zoom straight into the questions. Been taking too many shortcuts in studies, and also in life.
One thing that I did which I'm proud of myself - Stepping out of the room and getting to the canteen by bus to draw money and buy lunch. However, disaster struck. After alighting from the bus, my slipper strap gave way. I found myself in the middle of the road, wondering if I should cross over by limping or get back to the pavement to fix the slipper.
Plan A: Limp across with a spoiled slipper (FAILED!)
Plan B: Get back to the pavement and fix the slipper, use the zebra-crossing to cross (SUCCEEDED!)
It has been proven. Do not take shortcuts in life.
Thank God I'm still alive by taking such a huge risk.
The fastest, quickest, swiftest, not compromising on the quality. I want things to happen quick. Lack of patience, exactly. That's why I take risk and end up not getting the desired results. If I don't see results, disappointment sinks in. Sadly, I really don't get everything that I want. In fact, the opposite occurs so often that it makes me disappointed most of the time. Think positive, POSITIVE!
"A and B, +++, confidence booster, working stationery&calculator, sufficient time, comfortable temperature, formula and steps, good cloudy weather, happiness out of the hall"
Now submit all of the above into the Hands of the Almighty God...
Colossians 1:9
"For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;"
Back to practicing...
food thoughts
So thankful to the max that my dad helped me to buy my exam food rations, partially because I requested for the food. And so there's the Honeystar, McVities, Vitasoy, Hello Panda, Sunmaid raisins, Yupi bears. Otherwise it'd be real bored to be all alone in the room, staring at paper and laptop and the door. Sadly, no one knocks on the door in the daytime.
It's been amazing how roomie and dardar can get so hungry after every meal. They ask me, "Still hungry, how?" Of course I always reply, "You just ate, hungry still?" Throwing back the same question at them. It's hilarious. I hope I won't become more like them or my stomach will burst. By the way, I do think of what's up for dinner tonight...=|
Somewhat completed two stats pyp but with reference to the notes and answers. That's why I said somewhat. Gonna change to another course or it'll be another unfruitful day of studying. Can't get over how I spent the entire yesterday looking at that MOM, and yet, not able to figure out trusses. Dejected, dumb, doomed.
This moment will soon be over, and then it's time to catch Madagascar 2!!
Can't wait for all the fun to come! Especially ASIA CONFERENCE!
Song dedication
Clearing the cobwebs here...
-pulls web-
I can't recall how many blogs I've abandoned. Sometimes the exam stress just kicks in and this is somewhere for me to get distracted for a while and then get back to studying.
Hey Dale, when I listen to this song, I think of what you're going through and it really is for you. The last line applies!
五月天 - 你不是真正的快樂
人 群中 哭著 你只想變成透明的顏色
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了
你已經決定了 你已經決定了
你 靜靜 忍著 緊緊把昨天在拳心握著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺 的刀割
你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
這 世界 笑了 於是妳合群的一起笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是妳 含著眼淚 飄飄盪盪 跌跌撞撞 的走著
你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的抱著遺憾一直到老了 然後才後悔著
你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著
Pick yourself up! =D