When students study, food must come in handy. Snacks must be within an arm's length reach, and the same goes for meals. However, there's no mummy/daddy/korkor/jiejie/meimei/didi/maid to call upon when we stay in hall. My roomie, neighbour and I are lazy to walk downstairs and pack. Hence the last resort: instant noodles!
Instant noodles can turn out to be very instant.(DUH) We just use the electric kettler to boil water, rip open the noodles wrapper and put the noodles into a container. When the water boils, pour it into the container. We'll mug again while the noodle is cooking on its own. Instant noodles - an amazing food innovation. When the noodles absorbed enough water and turned springy(but soggy most of the time cos books come first =|), it's lunch time!
Actually it's just chilli&ketchup instant noodles. And they complained to bits about the noodles!!! Haha!
Alright, one day to freedom! Then I will be off for Asia Conference as well! WOOTS!
Healing Relationships
8 years ago
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