I got this from a chain e-mail, which related much to what PK has been preaching for the past two weeks.
Monica married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party,Monica's mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook.
With Rs.1000 deposit amount.
Mother: 'Monica, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life. When there's something happy and memorable happened in your new life, put some money in. Write down what it's about next to the line. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with Hitesh. When you look back after years, you can know how much happiness you've had.'
Monica shared this with Hitesh when getting home. They both thought it was a great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be made.
This was what they did after certain time:
- 7 Feb: Rs.100, first birthday celebration for Hitesh after marriage
- 1 Mar: Rs.300, salary raise for Monica
- 20 Mar: Rs.200, vacation trip to Bali
- 15 Apr: Rs.2000, Monica got pregnant
- 1 Jun: Rs.1000, Hitesh got promoted
...... And so on...
However, after years, they started fighting and arguing for trivial things. They didn't talk much. They regretted that they had married the most nasty people in the world.... no more love....Kind of typical nowadays, huh?
One day Monica talked to her Mother:
'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We agree to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!!!'
Mother: 'Sure, girl, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want if you really can't stand it. But before that, do one thing first. Remember the saving passbook I gave you on your wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first. You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'
Monica thought it was true. So she went to the bank, waiting at the queue and planning to cancel the account.
While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joy and happiness just came up her mind. Her eyes were then filled with tears. She left and went home.
When she was home, she handed the passbook to Hitesh, asked him to spend the money before getting divorce.
The next day, Hitesh gave the passbook back to Monica. She found a new deposit of Rs.5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I notice how much I've loved you thru out all these years. How much happiness you’ve brought me.'
They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back to the safe.
It reminded me of the love bank account, of how one deposits love points and withdraws from the account under different circumstances. If you like this person, you'll add love points into your account. My point is only on the love bank concept. What is your love points under others' accounts? Have you ever thought of it?
It was one of the best events tonight, CAEN. So much better than LB. To be a programmer/event-coordinator, it's really not easy. I remember so much multi-tasking. From clueless to brainstorming to numerous meetings to looking for performers to preparation of slides to actual event, it was the longest and busiest role that I had taken on. It's not something that I can rush in a week like doing publicity, but I must say I enjoyed the process. It became even more meaningful when I imagined myself doing CB, preparing slides(though not in KN but PPT). During the WWTBAT game, how I screwed up once for pressing the wrong space and the answer appeared, it reminded me of how I always make ONE grave mistake while serving each week. LB ended with a few people helping out with the clearing up but CAEN had everyone to help out. That's when the bballers came into place. My sports class bballers who were really nonsensical but they helped out when necessary.
People like KS whom I met for the first time, ZH whom I don't know, Colin the one whom I always see nowadays...
The CDs(in addition CJ and Lex) who did such a great job with the decoration and stayed till the end. MJing too much doesn't really matter at that moment. I miss sports.
The ISA(Les, Den, Jus) who took charge of ticket sales and busing were so worried with the not-so-good response but tonight it looked good!
FnB personnel-Chris. Food was great! Too bad I was too busy to have proper meal but the experience was something money can't buy.
Helpers in general... Cass, XQ, Pri(the superwoman fin controller!!)
Door gift by YX and Jess.
Our AV cum Log dept, DH and JY.
Those who were at the reception, lucky draws, beer counter, helping with the nitty-gritty matters. Everyone was fantastic!
Many thanks to the Chairs(not stool/chair), BW, Jess and Les for the hard work.
PH & Jem for taking charge of most of the items and Kev for coming despite his IA.
Of course Jeremy the emcee!
The event didn't cui!! ^^ SO HAPPY~!!!Best dressed consolation prize leh =P
Love revolves
Quite random
Suddenly had the urge to blog but yeah. It's always rather random. Came back from supper with XJYZALSYLPRI - 6 of us in a car. I admit I'm lazy because...I wouldn't want to go if not for the car ride. Yesterday I went for supper with another group of friends, MHAMEKSYCKADERPRI - 8 of us in the same car. Oh and the thing is the owner of the car wasn't present on both nights so we just disappeared with his car to the coffee shop. Thank you LES! After the rehearsal in church I arrived in hall looking for food. Maybe it's like the right time that the few of them asked me to join them. It was just too hard to drag me along last night. They pleaded with me for at least half an hour because I gave the excuse of 'I'm not in the mood.'
What is mood?
(noun) a state or quality of feeling at a particular time
'Don't feel like it'
'Don't know'
'Half-hearted at the moment'
Often I feel moody. No, it's not PMS all the time but there's no energy in carrying out a task. If it's out of duty, I'll attempt to do it with a smile. If it's what I like, I put my heart and soul into it. Note: not ALL my heart and soul. Looking at my goals for 2009, there are too many items to focus on that each year I find myself achieving nothing out of it. Ok, bits and pieces but rarely succeed at getting all the pointers done. Surely and definitely, how to feel that sense of satisfaction like that?! Hmm but I enjoy changes all the time. That's how I never get bored yet underachieved at the same time.
So much to do in the 24 hours each day. How to not feel dejected. I look at my friends in Business. They're struggling with meeting project deadline every day, coming back at 2am and continuing at 4am to finish the project. I lack that kind of drive! Well plus it's not like I want to torture my body till so late anyway. It's 3am, not very early either.
Aye tomorrow's gonna be great. Serving in CB is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Tomorrow marks the first day of the 'week of prayer', or should I say that it's morning prayer that starts at 6.30am?!?!?! Now Jer is asking me to give him morning call. I guess we've all turned nocturnal and yes, it's tough to wake up in the morning, especially when the sky is still dark. Well, the sun rises from the EAST so don't tell me to watch sunrise from the WEST. Tsk tsk. Over the weekend, each of us received our own prayer book. Man, I really love that. Now it's still rather empty but who cares. I know I'll have tons of prayers to write in there, anticipating the ticks that will accompany the prayers when fulfilled. Nothing beats the joy to know that our prayers are answered.
Hope; 希望.
A search on Google gives so many quotes about hope. We've heard this word so many times on news, read it in newspapers, especially when so many of us have been hit hard by the economic downturn. All of us need some hope, a glimpse of light in the midst of darkness. 若人生中没有了希望,人活在世上便会感到绝望。
When you were young, you wished that you'll grow old faster. You want to watch the NC-16, M-18, R-21 movies. You want school to finish quickly and go out to work and earn your first dollar. When you're old, you wish that you could turn back times and grow younger(something that will never happen). You want to retire. You want to go back to school because that's where you made your best friends. There are fewer responsibilities compared to when you start work and having to provide for your family. We are hoping for something, almost all the time. Hope is like a fuel that keeps our life burning.
Choose hope, reject fear.
Always hungry
I wish I could eat less, but it's been getting from bad to worse. Supper over the two weeks(no, not everyday but once a week which I feel is bad enough because I don't work out). This morning I started my day with digestive biscuits(think fibre), 鱼片板面(think fish), i-scream yogurt(think strawberry&peach&oreo&white yogurt) xD
School's getting less quiet when v.day is coming, just that I'm not involved this year. Remember the times in canteen mending booth, doing up all the stints and staying back till late to help logistics keep the tables and chairs. Though not totally enjoyable, but it was an experience worth remembering. Like what I tell others, the pre-event is better than the main event. Who wouldn't agree... Haha for the committee who went through it, we can't be more than glad when the entire draggy event ended in Sept08.
Last night I was enjoying my single deluxe room. Well, kinda big and cold at night if not for Amel who came into my room looking for food. Then we spent the next few hours interacting. Previously we already discovered we're from the same primary school. It's a good school, but compared to ABC/XYZ, it may be better/worse.
Slowly getting into the topic of the start of Christian walk. She had a long history of eight years. Guess what, she too started at my church but left for another. Now she stops going as she feels that she can't bring herself to commit to God. Submission = Total commitment? Many seemed to have come and go, and is that supposed to be the norm? If you don't like it, you leave? If you're not giving your best, you quit? Why did I stay? Maybe it's too short to say, but all in all, we both believe that personal spiritual growth is important. Need a breakthrough? Work on your spiritual life. It's your own relationship with God, not the things that you do to please God or even man. I like what JY mentioned to me in a conversation some time back, on having spiritual backbone.
"I pray because it's written in the Bible."
"I pray because my pastors and leaders say I ought to."
How many people will say, "I pray because I want to spend time with God." and "I want to understand His thoughts."
It's out of willingness and obedience. It's not all the time that the leaders are trailing behind and pushing you to move on. Leaders are there to give pointers when you're in need. Good leaders allow you to explore on your own. You then learn to be one yourself. But when you fall, you know you're not alone.
Happy Birthday!
Dearest Xiaokai's 21st Birthday!
Hugs my dearest. Best wishes in 2009! May you get all that you want in life =D Keep smiling, keep walking, keep shining. Thanks for your lovely friendship and being there with me for the past unofficial eight years.
A rare beginning
Once again, it's been quite a long while. Recently been creating new accounts, having wild thoughts, adopting a new name(if only it could be my baptism name), updating this blog? Haha totally unusual of me to update this since it lies dormant for super duper long and once in a while I come back and check.
This semester, I've been forced to make myself study the maximum after having attained the minimum. Goal-setting still remains one of my favourite things to do upon ending a year and starting a new one. Wandering in life is definitely not something that I want to do. Having a clear purpose and direction is what I want. But I'm glad to fulfill some items on my wish list despite the fact that we've only entered the second month of the year.
Happy to meet up with JC friends. Happy to see many 4H friends. Happy to own a camera and take many snapshots of my CG. Happy to celebrate my roomie's birthday and walk her to the chalet. Happy to do the director's board in CB although I really messed up ten seconds of it all. Happy to have such wonderful tutors and course mates and group mates. Happy to watch my first campus concert, that features the 'queen' and 'mr humorous'. Happy to go for late-night supper by car and on my 'cars'. It's been such a fun time together. =)
Then again, I need to forgo some other activities. It's fair. Gain some and lose some. Otherwise it's too overwhelming but I keep hoping for the best. Study hard. Understand more. Socialize with people. Stop living in denial. Put a full stop to slacking and procrastination.
Resilience. The process of coping with and adapting to adversity. (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000)
I will bounce back and upwards! Because His hands will lead me.