Tomorrow marks the first day of the 'week of prayer', or should I say that it's morning prayer that starts at 6.30am?!?!?! Now Jer is asking me to give him morning call. I guess we've all turned nocturnal and yes, it's tough to wake up in the morning, especially when the sky is still dark. Well, the sun rises from the EAST so don't tell me to watch sunrise from the WEST. Tsk tsk. Over the weekend, each of us received our own prayer book. Man, I really love that. Now it's still rather empty but who cares. I know I'll have tons of prayers to write in there, anticipating the ticks that will accompany the prayers when fulfilled. Nothing beats the joy to know that our prayers are answered.
Hope; 希望.
A search on Google gives so many quotes about hope. We've heard this word so many times on news, read it in newspapers, especially when so many of us have been hit hard by the economic downturn. All of us need some hope, a glimpse of light in the midst of darkness. 若人生中没有了希望,人活在世上便会感到绝望。
When you were young, you wished that you'll grow old faster. You want to watch the NC-16, M-18, R-21 movies. You want school to finish quickly and go out to work and earn your first dollar. When you're old, you wish that you could turn back times and grow younger(something that will never happen). You want to retire. You want to go back to school because that's where you made your best friends. There are fewer responsibilities compared to when you start work and having to provide for your family. We are hoping for something, almost all the time. Hope is like a fuel that keeps our life burning.
Choose hope, reject fear.
Healing Relationships
8 years ago
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