Good works

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our purpose in life is ‘good works’ or ‘acts of kindness’. Instead of trying to figure out what our purpose and calling is we should just simply get involved in helping people and our purpose, calling and gifting will easily be discovered.

-Phil Pringle

Thank you pastor! I see some connections between this and PK's sermon two weeks ago.

No One else like You

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No One Else Like You
By Planetshakers

My heart longs
For Your love
My soul thirsts
For Your touch

There is no one like You God
There is none like You

There is no one else like You
There is no one beside You
There is no one else like You
My God, my King
No one else

Nothing compares to You my God
No one could ever take Your love away
You're my King, my everything

Sweat it out

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hungry after a run! Actually I walked one-quarter of the route. The abdomen was painful. But I think a shower is more important now. After which, do some work and just sleep lah.

Oh wait, gotta prepare the songs for tomorrow's OPM! I almost forgot...

Last night the 4 of us had so much XLB that we swear no more XLB for us for the next six months. On the overall, everything was good. I think my cholesterol level shot up. I think too many calories for me last night. How can I achieve the ideal weight? The so-called ideal BMI. Come on, 8 kilos can't be too hard for me. Let's give it till end of semester 2. Let's break it down now...

I can do it!

A brief summary

Monday, October 26, 2009

A million years since the last entry. Okay, 3 months, 1/4 of a year. A lot of things can happen in 3 months. =)

With that to start with, it was the FOP, church anniversary, FOC, new free iPod touch, stepping down from the 15th, joining of new committees, mid-autumn festival, lots of birthdays, overnight Kbox, spoiled phone which has now recovered, spoiled laptop which has been repaired, cb team outing, morning prayer meetings, and the most recent north face run + MM promotion. Thank you God for the numerous wonders that You have done for me. The end is clearly better than the beginning and I pray for Your grace to continue to cover me.

Having shifted back to the hall with new furnishings, it felt great. Yes very comfortable. Surely rooms look like rooms from the inside while the bungalow chalet look still remains on the outside. Nevertheless, school started with a bang! Now into the third year and graduation seems not too near actually. I'm still hoping to graduate in four years which can be uncertain actually. God, direct my paths. I wanna know where I'm heading.

With that, let's just end it off right now. Leaving soon for XLB Buffet! Eat heartily and come back later to mug mug.

All pictures taken from FB and that explains the quality. =\

Making God a part of your life

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dr A R Bernard says we shouldn't get crystallised. Thrill is gone and you're simply going through the motion. Your heart becomes hardened. You left your first love - the place of revelation. You didn't lose it. Always pursuing a fresh revelation to prevent crystallisation.

I have no more confidence in my intellectual ability, investment philosophy, talents, time management, presentation skills... I acknowledge that indeed these are wonderful things that I have been able to exercise and blessed to have, but what I mean is that I no longer think I can achieve great and lasting success purely based on these attributes. The most important thing I need is the approval of God which would bring peace from enemies, open doors that would otherwise be shut and peace/joy which the world doesn't know of. I don't mean that I do not have confidence in what I am stating or making the correct decision. What I mean is that even with the above attributes, unless I am living by God's grace, wisdom and favour, I cannot be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath on a consistent basis. Sometimes during the past 3 years, when I think about the results that have been achieved, I feel quite scared because repeating it isn't based on a fixed formula but each time, it takes a lot of faith beyond these attributes.

Adapted from Xin Hong's blog

It takes faith and trust to believe in what you cannot do with your own strength, but to constantly depend on God's strength, which will bring you further to where you cannot imagine. It does not mean that one is weak. We are all living by God's grace and His grace is sufficient for us. Ultimately I don't wish to repeat my mistake of studying hard as though I really know what's happening and break down. The paper is on the following day, but here I am, pondering if a better solution is to get an MC to cover my absence instead. The new semester is almost starting. But yesterday at work, the struggle is still burdening me. When faced with obstacles, I have the same thoughts of 'Am I in the right line?' I need a breakthrough. I want to build my prayers upon the solid rock.

No longer I but Your will be done.

Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen of Death

Another fear of mine. This is a stop error. Whenever this happens, it doesn't give me any time to save my data. All my documents are unsaved, downloads stopped, and everything is gone. I mean somewhat like that. Since the previous reformatting, this problem didn't occur until a conversation with one of the bosses yesterday. He wanted to teach me on presentation skills using a software so I handed my USB drive to him to copy the software, mentioning the word 'bluescreen' as well for he feared that his computer has virus.

Okay. Here I am listening to my iTunes, surfing the web and closed down the presentation, tada! Bluescreen! After my 3 years of laptop warranty, I should just get a Mac next year. Educational rate anyway. Free iPod Touch, why not?

Good life

Friday, July 17, 2009

I closed my first cold case yesterday! God is good to me.

According to the schedule I ought to be at CP, standing around at the atrium for roadshow. However I woke up this morning with a terribly aching body, could hardly sit still to finish my drama. After lunch, I plonked myself on the bed and began to watch the last 3 episodes of the Emergency Unit drama. Bliss. Hugging my pooh and watching my handsome boy. Sammul Chan (and Ron Ng.) =D

Ring ring. My boss called. Jess and Pri and Geoff and Eric won't be there today. HUH!? There seems to be no meaning in me heading down to the mall already. It's not that I don't trust myself but my product knowledge and all aren't enough for me to turn things around if I can't keep a customer. So he spared me. As in, since I'm aching all over and no one's going down, I could stay at home. But no, I didn't tell him I wanted to finish watching the drama. Haha! It's just coincidental.

Nothing is ever finalised. Even after looking at the schedule which looks just great to me, I received an e-mail several hours later to know one of them can't make it. After that started to call those who'll be on duty the following day to get them to come on both days. Aw. I never knew we'll have lack of manpower even on Saturday. It never occurred to me before. So while I'm typing the entry, Kel is bombarding my phone again. He says 'Thank You' to me several times this week and just now I told him 'You're Welcome'. So formal. Oh really? I thought it sounds alright to me. I'm polite by nature. =P

Ddddddddddd. Need to design.
Eeeeeeeeeeee. So many things that I wanna eat since I lost the ceramic pieces on my teeth.