Making God a part of your life

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dr A R Bernard says we shouldn't get crystallised. Thrill is gone and you're simply going through the motion. Your heart becomes hardened. You left your first love - the place of revelation. You didn't lose it. Always pursuing a fresh revelation to prevent crystallisation.

I have no more confidence in my intellectual ability, investment philosophy, talents, time management, presentation skills... I acknowledge that indeed these are wonderful things that I have been able to exercise and blessed to have, but what I mean is that I no longer think I can achieve great and lasting success purely based on these attributes. The most important thing I need is the approval of God which would bring peace from enemies, open doors that would otherwise be shut and peace/joy which the world doesn't know of. I don't mean that I do not have confidence in what I am stating or making the correct decision. What I mean is that even with the above attributes, unless I am living by God's grace, wisdom and favour, I cannot be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath on a consistent basis. Sometimes during the past 3 years, when I think about the results that have been achieved, I feel quite scared because repeating it isn't based on a fixed formula but each time, it takes a lot of faith beyond these attributes.

Adapted from Xin Hong's blog

It takes faith and trust to believe in what you cannot do with your own strength, but to constantly depend on God's strength, which will bring you further to where you cannot imagine. It does not mean that one is weak. We are all living by God's grace and His grace is sufficient for us. Ultimately I don't wish to repeat my mistake of studying hard as though I really know what's happening and break down. The paper is on the following day, but here I am, pondering if a better solution is to get an MC to cover my absence instead. The new semester is almost starting. But yesterday at work, the struggle is still burdening me. When faced with obstacles, I have the same thoughts of 'Am I in the right line?' I need a breakthrough. I want to build my prayers upon the solid rock.

No longer I but Your will be done.

Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen of Death

Another fear of mine. This is a stop error. Whenever this happens, it doesn't give me any time to save my data. All my documents are unsaved, downloads stopped, and everything is gone. I mean somewhat like that. Since the previous reformatting, this problem didn't occur until a conversation with one of the bosses yesterday. He wanted to teach me on presentation skills using a software so I handed my USB drive to him to copy the software, mentioning the word 'bluescreen' as well for he feared that his computer has virus.

Okay. Here I am listening to my iTunes, surfing the web and closed down the presentation, tada! Bluescreen! After my 3 years of laptop warranty, I should just get a Mac next year. Educational rate anyway. Free iPod Touch, why not?

Good life

Friday, July 17, 2009

I closed my first cold case yesterday! God is good to me.

According to the schedule I ought to be at CP, standing around at the atrium for roadshow. However I woke up this morning with a terribly aching body, could hardly sit still to finish my drama. After lunch, I plonked myself on the bed and began to watch the last 3 episodes of the Emergency Unit drama. Bliss. Hugging my pooh and watching my handsome boy. Sammul Chan (and Ron Ng.) =D

Ring ring. My boss called. Jess and Pri and Geoff and Eric won't be there today. HUH!? There seems to be no meaning in me heading down to the mall already. It's not that I don't trust myself but my product knowledge and all aren't enough for me to turn things around if I can't keep a customer. So he spared me. As in, since I'm aching all over and no one's going down, I could stay at home. But no, I didn't tell him I wanted to finish watching the drama. Haha! It's just coincidental.

Nothing is ever finalised. Even after looking at the schedule which looks just great to me, I received an e-mail several hours later to know one of them can't make it. After that started to call those who'll be on duty the following day to get them to come on both days. Aw. I never knew we'll have lack of manpower even on Saturday. It never occurred to me before. So while I'm typing the entry, Kel is bombarding my phone again. He says 'Thank You' to me several times this week and just now I told him 'You're Welcome'. So formal. Oh really? I thought it sounds alright to me. I'm polite by nature. =P

Ddddddddddd. Need to design.
Eeeeeeeeeeee. So many things that I wanna eat since I lost the ceramic pieces on my teeth.

Technology talks

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Starhub finally decided to revamp its website. I've always admired how user-friendly Singtel's site has been, and thought of how the green should do something about theirs. Just glad there's some positive changes at last. Been thinking of changing my phone ever since I changed it. Nah, just joking. I mean I hope to change to one with wi-fi, Qwerty keypad or semi-touch. A phone that is totally touch screen doesn't seem to appeal much to me because I like the feeling of keypads. They aid in my messaging since I message so much. Ripped open my bills last evening to realise my SMS has hit 2k for the month of June. That's why I love Starhub for its initiative to start having unlimited SMS for students ever since few years back. It's like the best thing ever that happened. =D

Another trend that is happening now is the younger generation turning to Apple. The online student promotion for Macbook and Ipod. A special bundle only for students. Aww how I love being a student. =) It's simply a privilege that is worthy to be happy about. YT got hers, LT is getting hers, Dot will get hers. Haha... I'm still loyal to my current laptop till it dies on me one day but please don't let the day come so quickly. Hehe. Apple gadgets can be so expensive, when something goes wrong. Meanwhile, I'll be happy with what I have.

Shall opt for an early night today, hopefully. It's been a long day out in town from lunch till dinner with ongoing entertainment. The members are playing L4D, with the speakers 'bang bang bang' away.

Oh last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAISHING! And congratulations to me for braces off!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

An awesome leaders' meeting in the evening that impacted me. The topic was on leadership. Jesus understands how a leader like Him is in authority yet under authority. He is in charge of His disciples, but at the same time, God the Father has authority over Him. Delegated authority always reflects the character of the leadership. From the way He serves His disciples by acts of service - washing of feet, that is how He wants us to act as well. To be a leader, one must be a servant.

Only with the right attitude that we should exercise our authority in. With different personalities, people will be confused on the correct form of leadership. The ministry can be misrepresented then. So, how should we work things out?

Product must come with service to back it up. The product is the Bible. Service starts with us, and it is how we carry ourselves that reflect the attributes and character of the personality of the Bible. We are to be like Christ! Often, we don't understand why leaders make certain decisions. Think about it.

"I want it to be done this...that way."
You argued, "No, why?"

Sometimes, it can be hard to explain. This is where faith comes in. It takes faith to follow leadership.

It does matter how you act in getting the job done. Results and behavior really do go together hand in hand. It is so often that group work ends up with cursing and swearing one another even though they manage to get an A ultimately. What an unpleasant experience~ Also, fulfilling a task doesn't mean fulling a purpose. Treat people with care. When we promise to help out to buy birthday presents, get one that people like. Find out what are the needs and wants of the person. We must do what we have been entrusted with the right spirit and attitude!

Leaders are accountable for both results and behaviors. Neither one is not too important. Hence, leaders are there to guide. Develop a strategy to move people into the state where they achieve the most with the right behavior and attitude. Be persistent, never stop keeping on. Never give up on one unless all have known Him.

Foodie companionship

It's been a wonderful Tuesday, getting renewed, recharged and motivated once again. First it was the day at CfE for my last compulsory class. We were taught how to approach people, how to face rejections, and also turning things from rejection to acceptance. Even if I end up in this line or not in the future, I guess the lessons learned are definitely valuable. (: Five of us had our lunch at the hawker centre which I still do not know the name of the place. I only know that they have yummy wanton mee, crayfish hor fun, char kway teow, bak chor mee and lots of vegetarian food there! It's not like I truly love vegetarian food but it happened to be 初一/十五 so the queues were longer than the usual. Being 21 is like an overgrown child but super young adult. The youngest age that one can be there. Everyone looks at you like they're so envious because I'm 21. A student who's 'fighting' for business with them who come from all walks of life. What I can say is that... Youth is capital.

After two long birthday celebrations, 5 of us went for supper at a coffee shop near NUS. No, not the same 5 girls! It feels a little unsafe for 5 girls to be out after 12 midnight even though it's Singapore. Guess the people were having a camp so they almost took over the entire place. Freshies. August. FOC is coming soon! Sidetracked. Prata and horlicks are simply delicious. I guess I haven't had prata in a long while. Even in school, I hardly step out to go for supper at night. Well, it is unhealthy and going back to hostel is a long journey without a vehicle. Great fellowship with the leaders(yes all leaders O_O) but happy that the plates are made of plastic and MW can't scratch the plates like the previous night. Haha... The squeaking sound makes my hair stand.

Check out the time and yes, it's so late already. It's time to get to bed or it'll be insanely insane tomorrow.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

BY2 - 我知道




这首并不是新歌,但也无所谓。两个年纪比我轻的女生所唱出来的心声,用了她们那甜美的歌声,听起来还真正!若我有她们那么会唱,那可是何等美好~ 可惜我天生就是没有甜美的尚子,天分也是假的。不过不要紧,因为上帝非常地公平,祂赏赐我才华,chorus board就是我能发挥我长处的一片天地. =) 播放歌词也很棒!哈哈!

正题其实是...与这首歌毫无关系=.= 我又没拍拖,哪里找来“爱”或“离开”。实际上,我一直期待有谈恋爱的一天,而且有一点过分期待的感觉。 希望 - Hope. 对了,有希望活在世上就不会无所期望。愿我早日找到我的白马王子!=P 我知道这一天即将到来。来来来,现在就开始为我祈祷吧,我会感激不尽的 ^^


A life to be lived out for

Attempted to count down to start of a new semester, and that is 36 days. That is the number of days that I have to work harder in GE, go out with friends whom I said I'll go out with, catch up with my BS lessons, polish up myself on the overall as a person. I really like Ps Phil's post on this scripture from Luke 7:33-35 where he interprets it in this way:

A bad attitude grasps issues to justify itself...Don't be surprised when the good you do for one person is thought of as evil by another. Once again, it's impossible to keep everyone happy and for everyone to like especially if you're going to step out and do something great for God.

Yes I know I'm gonna live out my life for Him. Go on, life is abundantly great. There's no standard to meet except that is His.

Semester 1 09/10, I'm ready for you.